
Jbl 2446h vs radian 950
Jbl 2446h vs radian 950

jbl 2446h vs radian 950

Positive voltage to black terminal gives diaphragm motion toward the phasing plug.JBL 2446H High Frequency Compression Driver Specifications: 100 mm (4 in) edgewound aluminum voice coil.100mm (4 in) pure titanium diaphragm with radial-rib topology and patented three-dimensional.Coherent WaveTM phasing plug design for increased high-frequency output.150W continuous program at 1kHz and higher.JBL 2446H High Frequency Compression Driver Features: This diaphragm, when combined with the Coherent Wave phasing plug, increases the 2446H/J's output in the 5 kHz to 20 kHz range. The diaphragm also incorporates a series of embossed radial reinforcing ribs that increase diaphragm stiffness. The depth of the diamond pattern is closely controlled during the manufacturing process to provide predictable frequencies for the 2nd and 3rd normal resonance modes and for the basic suspension resonance mode. The diaphragm design includes JBL's exclusive three-dimensional diamond pattern surround1 which reduces membrane stresses in the diaphragm support structure and extends diaphragm life.

jbl 2446h vs radian 950

This optimized configuration allows coherent summation of acoustical power up to much higher frequencies than afforded by earlier designs. The Coherent Wave phasing plug assembly consists of four die-cast annular aperture structures of constant path length to provide m-phase combining of diaphragm output at the driver's exit. The model 2446H is a professional quality high-frequency compression driver that incorporates JBL's newly-developed Coherent Wave phasing plug as well as a pure titanium diaphragm with radial ribs and patented three-dimensional diamond pattern suspension.

Jbl 2446h vs radian 950